Je les évoquais ici de ces fameux « it-trucs » qu’il faut aaabsolument avoir pour bien passer telle ou telle saison. A force d’aller de blog en blog et de feuilleter compulsivement la presse, une petite voix insidieuse finit par s’immiscer dans votre cerveau, d’habitude si raisonnable, et vous voilà à aller shopper un truc qui ne refranchira plus jamais la porte de votre penderie. Allez quoi… je suis pas la seule non ?? C’est grave mais je vais essayer de me soigner. Ma thérapie commence par confesser les échecs de ces derniers mois :
Espérons juste que je n’aurai pas besoin de refaire une nouvelle liste à la sortie de l’hiver. Je parie pas… Béééééé !
Et vous, c’est quoi vos derniers achats ratés ?
- la veste militaire trouvée dans un surplus de l’armée : alors, j’ai voulu de l’authentique et je me retrouve avec les épaules au milieu des bras. Vous avez déjà vu un militaire qui faisait un 36 fillette, vous ??? Bref, le côté oversize, j’assume pas…
- les sneakers : j’ai toujours aimé les baskets et je n’ai porté que ça pendant de longues années mais c’était plutôt de la petite basket mignonne genre gazelle, veja… Et là, je sais pas pourquoi il m’a fallu une paire de sneakers, j’en ai cherché des noires longtemps et un jour je suis revenue avec des addidas rouge-orange… un peu trop petite… J’ai toujours pas compris…
- la robe léopard: là aussi j’ai craqué !! dans un moment d’égarement, j’ai mélangé le retour de l’imprimé léopard et avec celui des années 80 et des épaules bien larges : je vous l’assure, les 2 ensembles c’est vraiment too much ! Ma sœur m’avait pourtant prévenu dans la cabine d’essayage avec un « c’est affreux » sans appel.
- le trekking : heureusement payé 2 francs 6 sous chez Jennyfer, j’ai jamais su comment le porter et rester classe.. Ah c’est pas possible ?? C’est pour ça alors !!
- les soldes sur le site American Vintage : la jupe soie et cachemire jamais essayée en boutique avant mais c’est pas grave, il y a 30 % de réduc… J’ai jamais réussi à la fermer…
Espérons juste que je n’aurai pas besoin de refaire une nouvelle liste à la sortie de l’hiver. Je parie pas… Béééééé !
Et vous, c’est quoi vos derniers achats ratés ?
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RépondreSupprimerThe military announced last week it would suspend "all military movements" in the troubled northern and eastern regions for four months, a move observers say is unprecedented. For treatment," said a statement Friday from the Office of the Commander in Chief. "Our local military commanders said it didn't happen among us," Lieutenant Colonel Sai Oo told AFP.
RépondreSupprimerAli, the former Cassius Clay, was not just an athlete who embodied the times in which he lived. He shaped them. His conscientious objection to the Vietnam war, and reasoned rants against a country fighting for freedom tmt shirts on the other side of the globe, while its own black citizens were denied basic rights of their own, energized a generation.
Certainly can let this get in the way of us moving on, coach David Quinn said. Bottom line is we had chances to do things right. That the only thing we can control. I've been a competitive skater for ten years and the most important thing you need to do to stay in for skating is stamina. You need so much endurance for programs. Breathing through skating is so important! Go for runs Sprint for 2 minutes, walk for 1 minute, jog for 3 minutes repeat.
Do your best to create an environment where your kids feel safe to communicate what they feeling and to ask questions.Provide your child with ongoing opportunities to talk about what they went through or what they seeing in the media. Encourage them to ask questions and express their concerns but don force them to talk.Acknowledge and validate your child concerns. The traumatic event may bring up unrelated fears and issues in your child.
When they continued to re test him he continued to pop for that. However, it was at a lowered rate [and kept going down]. So what USADA was able to come in and say was 'look, we caught you, we flagged you, we suspended you. Children were being sent hundreds of miles away from their parents and parents were unable to access hotlines to help them find their children. Some were deported without their kids. There was no system set up beforehand to link families and no plan on how to bring them back together, the officials said.
We tried to talk feyonce shirt to neighbors about the city opioid problem remember Ecorse police had to save 24 lives with Narcan beard shirt in just the last year. But no one wanted to talk about it. For many it just too personal.. In general, though, the App Store doesn yet add a level of value that would make me choose it over something cheaper like an older Roku model. Apple isn the first to bring apps to the TV and Amazon respective devices also offer ugly christmas shirts them. The difference here seems to be that Apple has more to leverage: developers can leverage work they put into creating apps for the iPhone and iPad to bring software to the Apple TV..
Time to weed: "I have too much old stuff in my closet. In the last few years, I've gained roughly 20 pounds and I think I may lose it someday. My reality is that as I am getting older, I am gaining a few here and there. The iconic retailer, once the nation's largest department store chain, faced a deadline of Friday for bids for its remaining stores to avert closing down completely. Earlier on Friday, Sears said it was closing 80 more stores. That's in addition to the 182 stores already slated for closure, including 142 by the end of 2018 and 40 by February.